
What personal protection equipment do I need to wear during my lessons?

Every professor will be given a face shield which they will have to wear when they’re teaching in the classroom. Your face shield is your own and you’ll have to keep it and disinfect it yourself.

What personal protection equipment do in-class participants need to use?

The participants in the classroom will have to wear surgical masks the entire time they are on campus. This means not only in common areas but also during lessons. Masks will not be provided to participants unless they have an emergency (e.g. their mask breaks or tears while they are at school). Participants will have to come to campus with their own masks.

Professors are asked to ensure that participants respect these safety guidelines.

What other safety rules do I need to follow in the classroom?

Even though instructors wear face shields, they must still maintain appropriate social distancing.

Between one session and the next, allow 5 to 10 minutes to disinfect the classroom equipment (e.g. mics, podium, etc.).