This section allows you to manage more than one audio/video source simultaneously and choose which projectors and screens you want to use.

Connect your laptop

First, connect your laptop to the podium using the HDMI cable.

You’ll use the first outlet you’ll find on the outlet panel on the right.

Positioning projections

Left and Right refer to the images projected behind you, so clicking on the left part of the Podium PC will project the image on the podium to your left.

Click the HDMI button on the Right to project the screen of your laptop on the screen to your right.

Note: The Touch Panel only transmits the audio of the sources that are activated in the RIGHT section. So if you need to show a video or share an audio file with participants, remember to select the correct source in this section.

Blank Screen

The Blank Screen button allows you to temporarily hide the screen without turning off the source you’re using. This function can be useful if you need to go to a different computer screen without letting your participants see; or if you want to prepare content to show at a specific time in the lesson; or if you simply want to quickly turn attention away from certain multimedia content.

Freeze Screen

Freeze Screen stops the image on the screen whenever you want. This functionality can be particularly useful when you’re showing a video, if you want to highlight a salient detail.

TIP: If you’re using the Freeze function on the Podium PC, you can use Overlay Tool software to draw directly on the screen. For more info on how to use this software in your lessons, go to the Podium PC section of this guide.