Physical classroom

This section is dedicated to the new classrooms, with a detailed description of everything you’ll find there.

The Lights

At the entrance to each classroom there’s a manual switch to turn on/off all the rows of lights. From the Podium you can adjust the brightness.

The doors

The doors (apparently) don’t have handles. The central system that controls opening/closing the doors.

If you need to open the doors manually (for instance if your lesson goes longer than scheduled and the classroom switches to stand-by mode), you can flip the switch marked with a key symbol.

The Whiteboards

Every classroom has a large magnetic whiteboard behind the podium that covers the entire curved perimeter of the room.

You’ll find markers and an eraser attached with magnets in the corners of every whiteboard.

TIP: Thanks to the size of the whiteboards, participants can use the side sections for group work.

I tavoli

Tables are equipped with electric outlets so participants can charge their PCs, tablets, phones, etc.

The standard model has four outlets under the tabletop. The other model (with slightly roomier seating) has two Schuko outlets.

TIP: The image shows a FLAT - i.e. reconfigurable – classroom, ideal for group work.

The Projectors

Every classroom is equipped with laser projectors, one in smaller spaces and two in bigger ones, positioned on the left and right sides of the room. The two projectors can work in synch or separately, projecting different materials.

To turn on/off the projectors, and to handle several different sources, the controls are on the Touch Panel on the Podium.

TIPS: Managing multiple sources means you can project slides and videos at the same time, for example; or show the text of a case study along with discussion questions; excel worksheets and comment slides; a panel of administrators/professors in a simulation for a debrief and reports with the answers given by individual groups; two work groups working side-by-side, and so on.

The Drapes

All the windows in classrooms have motorized drapes which can be regulated from the Touch Panel of the Podium.

The Video cameras

Every classroom has two video cameras:

  • one ceiling camera on the right, framing the front of the classroom showing the whiteboard and the professor;

  • an ‘Audience’ video camera, positioned between the two projectors, that shows the participants.

You can control the cameras from the Touch Panel on the Podium. Using the Videoconference menu, you can select the view you want from the preset options.

Note: The camera memorizes the last preset shot used, so when next activated it might show the class or the whiteboard instead of the instructor.