The Touch Panel of Ferrero Auditorium

The Touch Panel is the system that integrates all the technological elements of the Auditorium.

You can access it from the panel located on the wall to the right of the main entrance, or the dedicated Table which you’ll find in the Auditorium Cupboard.

To access the Touch Panel of the Auditorium, input the PIN. (Check with the HelpDesk or the MEO Team for login credentials.)

Homepage “Ferrero Auditorium”

Touch anywhere on the Touch Panel to access the control panel.

To use the Touch Panel select on of the two activities.



To turn on the six projectors and the audio, select the MEETING VIDEO and AUDIO icons. The lights will automatically dim for optimal viewing of the material being shown.


To turn on the clip-on and handheld mics but not the projectors, select MEETING AUDIO ONLY.

NOTE: You can turn on the projectors at any time by clicking on the Projectors icon.

The five icons:

Once you’ve selected one of the two MEETING icons, you’ll have access to all the functionalities of the Touch Panel:

Sources, Audio, Projector, Cameras, Lights.