
How do I turn on the Podium?

For complete details, please see the Podium section in the user guide.

What equipment is available in the classrooms of the different buildings on campus?

To find out how the classrooms on the new campus are set up, please explore the dedicated section.

How do I turn on the screens?

To learn how to turn on the projectors, please consult the section on the Touch Panel and the pre-set classroom settings.

How do I change the frame of focus of the video camera?

To change the frame of the camera you need to use the videoconference panel.

How do I open and close the window blinds?

You can open/close the window blinds from the Podium via the dedicated function (Drapes) on the Touch Panel. Learn more here.

How do I turn on the classroom PC?

To learn how to turn on the classroom PC, which is built into the Podium, please consult the dedicated section.

How do I connect my device to the podium so I can use it with the classroom PC?

You can connect your device via the HDMI port located on the right side of the Podium. Remember to bring an adaptor if you have a Mac. To learn more, explore the Sources section.

How do I project my device and the podium PC simultaneously?

To manage the two projectors independently, go to the Sources section of the Touch Panel. Remember you can only share audio files for the sources you hook up on the righthand side.

How do I project my device on one screen and another device (of an in-class or online participant, for example) on another screen?

For a hybrid session you can use the “Screen Share” option which is available on both Teams and Collaborate. Open the conference call from your personal device (connected via HDMI) and from the podium. Authorize the participant (in the classroom or at home) to screen share. (For technical details, refer to the guides for Teams and Collaborate.)This way you can control the two projectors via the Sources panel.

Note: Distance learners only see what you share via Conference Call, so they won’t see your device.

What’s the best method for letting participants in class view the whiteboard? And remote participants?

In-class participants have an optimal view of both the physical whiteboard and the digital whiteboard projected on the wall screen. Instructors can choose which one to use depending on what they need to do in each session.

At-home participants can also see both types of whiteboard, but the physical whiteboard has some limitations because of the size of the frame of the video camera.

To learn more about using digital whiteboards please consult the Podium PC section and the dedicated user guides.

If I use the whiteboard in the classroom (when possible), what areas does the video camera capture?

The video cameras have four preset options, corresponding to four different frames. Before the lesson, we suggest you choose the most appropriate one that best suits your needs.

How do I let my distance learners hear comments from participants in the classroom?

We suggest that participants in the classroom bring a personal device that allows them to access the video conference. During the lesson, they should mute their mics, and only turn them on when they have a comment or question. That way the distance learners can hear them.

How do I let in-class participants hear comments from their online peers?

If the Podium PC is correctly connected to the port on the right side of the podium, the voices of the distance learners will be automatically reproduced by the audio system in the classroom.

What’s the best microphone for the instructor to use in the classroom?

A clip mic is best, for higher sound quality and better hygiene.

Are there different settings depending on which platform I use?

For all the details on using the platforms, please read the user guides in this section.

What do I have to do if something doesn’t work? Who can I contact?

On the Touch Panel you’ll find a ‘Help’ button. When you click on it, a staff member will come to your classroom to assist you.

How can I let my distance learners see the participants in the classroom when they ask questions?

You can show your distance learners the people in the classroom by setting the video camera on ‘Audience’ instead of ‘Forward Focus’, as illustrated here. You can easily select this option from the settings of Teams or Collaborate.

From the PC, how can I activate a second user to participate in the meeting?

To activate a second user, you need to send the link to the session to another personal email address. Visit this section.

How can a user show a file?

To show the audience files during a conference call, you need be the moderator (in Collaborate) or organizer (in Teams) of the call. To learn how to give a specific user moderator/organizer privileges, please refer to the relevant user guides.

From the PC, how can I activate a second user to participate in the meeting?

To activate a second user, you need to send the link to the session to another personal email address. Visit this section.

How do I access Teams from the podium?

On the desktop of the Podium PC, you’ll find the Microsoft Teams app. Just sign in with your user name and password.

How do I save a file that I created on the whiteboard during a lesson?

You can save documents in PDF with the Software Pen. By clicking on the X in the lower right corner, the software will ask you if you want to save the file before leaving. Once you’ve saved it you can also share it with participants via email or by loading it directly on the University’s learning environment.

What do I do if people involuntarily get kicked out of breakout rooms in Collaborate?

You need to let them back in when they request access to the conference.

How do I launch an instant poll?

You can launch instant polls on either platform, Teams or Collaborate. Consult the user guides here.